In the United States, there are more than 3,300 people who support our smoke detector manufacturing industry.
However, this industry might be even larger if more people knew about the signs they need to replace their smoke detectors.
Some people wonder, “How often should you replace smoke detectors?”
The truth is that there are many details about proper smoke detector care every homeowner needs to know about.
Learning about your smoke detector is an investment in your safety as well as the safety of your home.
So, how can you know if it’s time to replace the smoke detectors in your Phoenix, AZ home or not?
Read on to learn all of the top things to understand about when smoke detectors need to be replaced!
How Often Should You Replace Smoke Detectors?
If you know about Arizona carbon monoxide detector laws, you might already have some idea of when it is legally required to replace smoke detectors.
In many cases, the absolute latest you should replace your smoke detectors is 10 years after they are made.
However, there are many instances in which it is important to replace smoke detectors even sooner than that.
Make Sure Your Smoke Detector Has Batteries
Some people think that if their smoke detectors aren’t 10 years old yet, they can ignore them for now.
However, even if your smoke detector itself isn’t working condition, it won’t function without fresh batteries.
So how can you know how often to change smoke detectors’ batteries?
The first thing to understand is that you should change your smoke detector batteries anytime they aren’t working.
You might discover that your smoke detector batteries aren’t fresh if you test your smoke alarm or have a cooking fire and notice that your smoke detector doesn’t go off.
If you discover dead batteries in your smoke detector, change them right away.
However, you can’t go around checking your smoke detector batteries every day.
So, as a general rule, you will want to replace your smoke detector batteries every year.
You might discover that your smoke detector batteries still have some juice in them even after a year.
However, there is no guarantee that they will maintain their charge for another full year.
Therefore, it is safest to put fresh batteries in your smoke detector every year, no matter what.
Look Out for Yellow Smoke Detectors
If you’ve ever had a smoke detector for long enough, you might have noticed that they tend to turn yellow with age.
Some people attribute this to things like dust exposure.
However, it is actually the bromine in smoke detectors that causes them to turn yellow when exposed to heat and oxygen.
In fact, even ultraviolet rays from sunlight can turn a smoke detector yellow.
However, since most smoke detector locations are indoors, the usual culprits are heat and oxygen.
If your smoke detector is yellow, it might be a good idea to replace it even if it hasn’t been 10 years since it was created.
Replace a Chirping Smoke Detector
Some people get annoyed with residential smoke detector requirements when one of their own smoke detectors starts beeping all the time.
Although this may not represent an immediate safety concern, it’s still important to replace a beeping smoke detector sooner rather than later.
For one thing, if you ignore a chirping smoke detector, you might even tune it out if it goes off because of a fire.
On top of that, some smoke detectors start chirping because they are beginning to malfunction.
In some cases, you can resolve a beeping and smoke detector just by changing the batteries. However, if this doesn’t solve your problem, you may need to replace your smoke detector or get in touch with smoke detector services.
Replace a Silent Smoke Detector
On the other hand, if your smoke detector is silent, it is vital that you get a new one as soon as possible.
If you test your smoke detector and it doesn’t make any noise, you can start by replacing its batteries.
However, if this doesn’t solve your problem, you will likely need a new smoke detector.
Even if your smoke detector makes a tiny amount of sound, you should still replace it if its sound is muffled or weak.
Update Sensitive Smoke Detectors
Some people get frustrated with their smoke alarms because they start going off all the time.
This is often a sign that their smoke detector is beginning to malfunction and will need to be replaced soon.
However, it is also possible that your smoke detector is going off all the time because there is a lot of dust or even smoke in your home.
Before you replace your smoke detector, consider anything that might be causing it to go off all the time.
Whatever you do, don’t take the batteries out of a sensitive smoke detector.
If you find yourself considering this option, make sure to buy a new detector right away so that your home will still be protected.
Look Out for Smoke Detector Recalls
Even if your smoke detector isn’t showing any of these problem signs, you will want to replace it if it is part of a recall.
Sometimes, manufacturers make mistakes when creating smoke detectors.
You might hear about these kinds of recalls by word of mouth or by watching the news.
However, you might also want to turn to a search engine to find out if your specific kind of smoke detector has been subject to any recalls in recent years.
You may even want to check this each year when you change your smoke detector batteries to make sure you are up to date.
Know When to Replace Your Home Smoke Detector
If you have ever asked yourself, “How often should you replace smoke detectors?”, we hope this article has answered your question.
Your smoke detector is one of the most essential safety tools in your Phoenix, AZ home.
Understanding how to know when it is reliable or not is vital if you want to keep your home safe.
To find out more about how you can find the right fire safety equipment service company for your needs, contact us at Certizona Fire and Safety at any time!
Tired of searching online for fire alarm repair near me to do the smoke detector replacement service for you? Certizona Fire & Safety is here to serve you with high-quality fire protection and safety equipment services! Customer satisfaction is our top priority. Call (623) 227-2092 or request an online quote today!
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